EBACE, GENEVA — Mai. 20th, 2014 — Revue Thommen, AG (THOMMEN) announced that at the EBACE in Geneva Hardy B. Truelsen VP and Sales Director of Scandinavian Avionics and Ulrich Dembinski, Chief Executive Officer of Revue Thommen AG, signed the Maintenance Agreement between Scandinavian Avionics and REVUE THOMMEN AG for all Legacy Business Products. The parties agreed to further develop the relation to include the HISL product lines. This way the road is paved for superior Service of the current THOMMEN Products and the new product lines on the eastern globe. THOMMEN’S instance in Mesquite Texas will cover America with partners. This ensures reachability of hands on help for THOMMEN’S customers to keep them flying worldwide.
Ulrich Dembinski is really pleased about the teaming with Scandinavian Avionics which will boost the service level in a very short time for THOMMEN’S valued customers. As responsive and competent service is an important part of a successful product this step marks another important achievement in the turnaround strategy of THOMMEN.
REVUE THOMMEN AG, based in Waldenburg, Switzerland, is a long established leading manufacturer of aircraft equipment including instruments and air data systems used worldwide on a full range of civil and military aircraft types.
Swiss-made THOMMEN products are part of the design of more than hundred new-production and numerous aircraft modernization programs worldwide. This includes all categories of aircraft in civil and military aviation from business jets and large turboprops to helicopters, trainers and combat aircraft. THOMMEN is AS/EN 9100, ISO 9001:2008, EASA Part 21 and EASA Part 145 certified. Additional company information is available at