Kiev Ukraine – REVUE THOMMEN AG has announced the selection and certification of their AD32 panel mount air data computer / air data display (ADDU) type AD32 by ANTONOV COMPANY, Kiev, Ukraine, for installation on the twin-turboprop light transport aircraft, the An-28 and An-38.
“This is to be considered as further step of the close and long-term partnership between REVUE THOMMEN AG and ANTONOV COMPANY, extending the operational capabilities, flight safety and life cycle of ANTONOV aircraft types through the installation of THOMMEN airborne equipment” stated Stefan Weiss, the responsible Business Development Manager of REVUE THOMMEN AG.
ANTONOV Aeronautical Scientific/Technical Complex (ANTONOV COMPANY) is a Ukrainian aircraft manufacturing and services company with particular expertise in the field of transport aircraft. ANTONOV COMPANY is a state-owned commercial company.
The THOMMEN AD32 is already proven under all climatic conditions on a large number of single or dual installations on board of An-12, An-24, An-26, An-32 and An-32B.
The Air Data Display Unit AD32 is a self-sensing Digital Air Data Computer incorporated into an electronic altimeter. The fully customized DO-178B Level A certified AD32 incorporates the Static Source Error Correction (SSEC) for each aircraft as well as an integrated altitude alerter.
The instrument face provides an excellently readable display (standard 3 ATI) indicating corrected altitude, baro setting, selected altitude and flags in combination with a stepper-motor driven mechanical pointer and an alerter light. AD32 is available with white, red and NVIS green lighting.
By using pressure inputs from the aircraft’s P/S-system besides temperature information from TAT or OAT sensor, AD32 provides a wide range of air data information in ARINC 429 format to TAWS, EGPWS, ACAS/TCAS, EFIS, FDR, FMS, autopilot, transponder or mission support systems.
Additional analogue outputs, as ICAO Encoded Altitude (Gillham Gray Code) and baro potentiometer plus a variety of discrete in- and outputs enabling perfect system integration.
REVUE THOMMEN AG, based in Waldenburg, Switzerland, is a leading manufacturer of aircraft instruments and air data systems used worldwide on a full range of aircraft types from helicopters to corporate aircraft and commercial airliners. THOMMEN is ISO 9001:2008, EASA Part 21 and EASA Part 145 certified. Additional company information is available at
Picture: ANTONOV An-38